Kisah Setinggan Di Hongkong

Like battery hens: A family of four tries to get on with everyday life despite living in a room where there is barely space to move in the urban slums of Hong Kong 

Sebuah Keluarga  hidup di dalam bilik di mana hampir tidak ada ruang untuk bergerak di kawasan miskin bandar Hong Kong

 No room to swing a cat: An elderly gentleman writes a letter completely surrounded by his life's possessions. It's not clear from the angle of this image where he sleeps or how he gets in and out

Menulis surat dikelilingi harta benda dalam hidupnya

Hemmed in: A man takes a nap on his bed which fills most of the tiny 4ft x 7ft room. These bird's-eye images have been taken by a social group documenting the plight of the Hong Kong's most underprivileged people

Nyenyak tidur..

Utility room: A man washes his clothes while sitting on his bed next to his 'kitchen'. Hundreds of thousands of people still live in caged homes like this in Hong Kong

Mencuci pakaian sambil duduk di atas katil di sebelah 'dapur'

 Dinner is served... in the bedroom: Three people have been forced to share this closet-like space because rent is so high and public housing waiting lists so long
Makan malam dihidangkan ... di dalam bilik tidur

Seorang wanita berehat di ruang yang hanya boleh didapati di dalam biliknya

Life of grime: The Society for Community Organization has released these images to 'promote respect for people's rights and equality for all members of society'

Memotong Sayur..

No standard of living: A man tucks into a takeaway as the walls of his room flake off around him. He has no proper bed to speak of

Makan di atas katil..

Human battery hens: With a land mass of 1,104sq km and a population of 7 million, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world

Dengan jisim tanah 1.104 km persegi dan penduduk sebanyak 7 juta, Hong Kong adalah salah satu kawasan yang paling padat dengan penduduk di dunia

Slums: Apartments in the district of Kowloon City, where some of the aerial pictures were taken. The wealth to poverty imbalance in the city is among the world's worst

Kawasan miskin: Pangsapuri di daerah Kowloon City, di mana beberapa gambar-gambar udara telah diambil. Ketidakseimbangan di antara kekayaan & kemiskinan di bandar Hong Kong adalah di antara terburuk di dunia


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